At Benjamin Law Company, we value client feedback and strive to provide the highest level of service. If you have any complaints, we have a transparent complaints policy in place to address and resolve any issues promptly. Please visit our website to learn more about our complaints policy and the steps to follow in case of a complaint.
Our Complaints Policy is designed to ensure that any concerns or complaints you may have are addressed promptly and fairly. If you have a complaint, please follow the steps below:

Contact Us:

In the first instance, we encourage you to reach out to us directly to discuss your concerns. You can contact our office by phone, email, or in writing, providing as much detail as possible regarding your complaint.

Complaint Acknowledgment:

Once we receive your complaint, we will acknowledge it promptly, either verbally or in writing. We will provide you with information on how we will handle your complaint and the expected timeline for resolution.

Investigation and Resolution:

Our team will thoroughly investigate the complaint, considering all relevant information and seeking to understand the issue from all perspectives. We will keep you informed of the progress and any actions being taken to resolve the matter.

Complaint Outcome:

Once the investigation is complete, we will provide you with a written response that outlines our findings and any proposed solutions or actions. We aim to address your concerns and find a fair and satisfactory resolution.

Further Steps

If you are not satisfied with the outcome or response, you may have the option to escalate your complaint internally within our firm or seek independent advice or mediation. We will provide you with information on the available avenues for further resolution if necessary.

We take all complaints seriously and are committed to resolving them in a timely and professional manner. Our goal is to ensure that your concerns are heard, and appropriate actions are taken to address them.