All the routes below have been opened.


If you have secured a job from an employer who holds the sponsorship license in the UK and you have been assigned a Certificate of Sponsorship (COS), we can help you to apply for your skilled worker visa.


  • If you have a genuine running business in the UK, you may apply for sponsorship license and hire immigrant workers from within and outside the UK.
  • Do you know that UK is in short, of Programmers and software development professionals, Web design and development professionals, Architects, Veterinarians, Laboratory technicians, Graphic designers, Care workers and home carers, Electric and Electronics Engineers and many more.
  • If your business deals with any of the above professions and you are struggling to hire employees within the UK, you may contact our corporate team to obtain a Tier 2 sponsorship license.


  1. One should have an innovative idea of business. It should be different from anything already in the UK market.
  2. The business idea should be endorsed by the authorised body listed by the Home office on their website.
  3. You can not join the running business.
  4. Business should be viable with a potential for growth.
  5. This visa is only for the two years and can’t be extended.

One can switch over to the ‘Innovator’ visa within a country if fulfil the eligibility criteria.


  1. New and Innovative business idea as above.
  2. This business idea/plan should be endorsed by the approved body.
  3. Cannot join the running business. The new business should be viable with potential for growth.
  4. This visa requires an investment of £50,000. The proof of funding is required.
  5. One can join the other innovators as a team but can’t share the same investment funds.
  6. This visa is initially for three years. Then a choice of extension or Permanent settlement (ILR) is available.
  • I would like to remind here, that the government has reduced or abolished many categories which leads to the ILR.
  • This is a one of the very exclusive categories, which provides ILR after the residence of 3 years instead of 5 years or 10 years in the UK, as usual.
  • (People who complete even 20 years of legal and illegal long stay in this country are not entitled to a ILR straightaway)


  1. This is a new route, which is being introduced as an elite point based- route to attract the brightest and best to the UK.
  2. The applicant must have either a Bachelor’s Degree or Post Graduate Degree qualification from one of the top global Universities outside the UK.
  1. The list of top 50 Universities is available on the website of the home office.
  2. Under this category leave is granted for 2 years for Graduate/postgraduates. 3 years for PhD

(Equivalent to the UK degrees)

(Global Business Mobility)

    1. This new route has replaced the previous route, known as,

    ‘Sole Representative Visa’

    1. Under the UK expansion worker visa one can come to the UK to setup a branch of overseas business, that has no branch or already trading in the UK.
    2. To obtain this visa the applicant should have worked for at least 12 months outside the UK in the company as a senior manager or specialist employee.

    ( The only exception is if someone is earning over £73,000 per annum or a Japanese national, working for a Japanese company, that is expanding in the UK )

    1. There is a list of eligible occupations and the requirement of minimum salary.

    The salary required is £42,000 per year or going rate of the job for abroad as well in the UK. Whichever is higher.

    1. The owner of the company is also entitled to come under this visa ( previously for the sole representative visa, it was not allowed ) upto 5 employees can come under this route.
    2. This visa is granted for the one year and extendable to another year. Maximum is 2 years.

    However, they are entitled to switch over to other immigration categories on the eligibility criteria.


  • This is a fast-track visa for the work permit.
  • The worker will be sponsored by an authorised UK scale-up company.
  • The company should have minimum 10 employees and minimum salary required is £33,000 per year.
  • The qualification required is Graduation and equivalent skill level.
  • RQF 6 level is also acceptable.
  • This visa will be initially for 2 years and extendable to another 3 years for the settlement.

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